Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation Wendy Hutchinson- Now Moment Choices Determine your Ascension



Learn more about this episode and see Special Offer: https://bit.ly/3d8AL8e We are in a pivotal moment in human history as Earth is making her ascent to higher dimensional experience and choices are currently being made by each individual to determine their level of ascension. We are in multiple realities at the same time and where we choose to align will manifest our reality in resonance. As we ascend or descend, we achieve different levels of consciousness as individuals and of course lend our essence to the collective. Our vibration alignment will create either heaven on earth in our human experience (one of ease and flow) or alignment with your fears creating experiences in resonance with those lower vibrational frequencies. With every choice you make, you will pull down frequencies creating new Earth timelines and experience for you. You are constantly traversing multiple dimensions as you are multidimensional beings. Creating outcomes from the zero point field requires mastery of yourself and consci