Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation wtih Lori Spagna ; The Birth of the Golden Race DNA



Learn More about this episode and see Lori's Special Offer: https://bit.ly/2S0uELC The Third Wave of Ascension and Reclaiming Your True, Divine Authentic Power & Potency in the New 5th Dimensional Paradigm. In this Episode of Quantum Conversations, we’ll explore: The Awakening of Humanity and The Birth of The Third Wave of Ascension Freedom and liberation from the 3rd Dimensional Paradigm and Into the 5th ~12th Dimensional Paradigm Reclaiming Your GoD~Hood via Your 13th Strand of DNA and The 4-4-4 Triple Portal Stargate of 2020 (and beyond) • The Golden Race and Homo-Divinicus Reclaiming Your Power via The Divine Resurrection of Humanity Sacred Key Codes and Star Code Markings in Your DNA and The Up-leveling Throughout Ascension Recreating Your Life in The New Paradigm via The Christed~Crystalline Consciousness Resurrection, aka, Birth of You from The Zero Point The Unified Field & The Current Ascension Cycle as It Relates to Humanity’s Current Timeline & Trajectory