Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Judy Cali: Sanctuary Pyramid of Queens



Learn more about this episode http://bit.ly/37YQntg Access Judy Cali's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/JudyOffer Psychic Channel Judy Cali brings forth messages of the Ascended Masters & Angels and in today’s Quantum Conversation, she is sharing how Lady Lepidolite appeared to her a few days ago, with a message and gifts of wisdom. In this show, Judy will Download, Activate & Initiate the Lavender Lepidolite Pyramid’s Gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding & Awareness plus more, so we can take our Next Step Living in Divine Grace & Peace with a Joyfilled Heart, Body, Mind & Soul of Golden Oneness. Hear a Channeled message from Lady Lepidolite & any other Surprise Beings who Show Up to share their Wisdom by assisting us to Remember our Ancient Truths. Judy will also be taking your calls & answering as many questions as time allows!