Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Maya Boston - Star Mothers Messages for Today's World



Learn more about this episode http://bit.ly/3ayOwgg Access Maya's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/mayaspecial So often we are looking outside of ourselves to find our answers, when all along they have been inside. Yes, we are from the stars and forever connected to the stars, but we have all agreed to take physical form on this planet in order to work the puzzle of our existence here. To find our way home. The map and instruction booklet are within you, encoded into your DNA and in your Akashic Records. There are as many ways of awakening/activating this remembrance as there are inhabitants on this planet, and we’re all choosing to do it in our own time. There was always a potential of humanity choosing the Ascension path and long ago this information was embedded inside of us, so that should we reach this point in our evolution, we would have access to the answers of how to proceed. The time has arrived when humanity requires this information in order to take the next step. Do you feel/hear the call? How are