Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Lori Spagna - 5D Activations



Access Lori Spagna's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/loriactivations During this QCTV episode, we will learn about and receive support to: Awaken and activate your dormant DNA for your highest potential Learn about your Sacred Key Codes hidden in your dormant DNA Integrate Soul Fragments Clear, heal and resolve your genetic make-up in your DNA (including EVERY illness and dis-ease) Shift your consciousness from the 3D consciousness paradigm to the 5D consciousness paradigm Learn to calibrate yourself into your higher wisdom Awaken your dormant DNA & your Dormant Potential including your INNER SOURCE of Infinite Gifts, Talents and Abilities Strengthen Your Alignment with our True Source ~ Divine Creator Light Integrate the tools of 5th Dimensional Consciousness Receive support, guidance and assistance during your Ascension process