Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Matthew John - Heal Family And Relationship Karma



Learn More about this episode http://bit.ly/2XaZcf6 Access Matthew John's Special Offer: http://bit.ly/matthewjohnoffer You’ve probably already heard that you actually chose your crazy family, but it’s likely you haven’t yet figured out why. Could you really have chosen your abusive father or your mentally ill mother? Could you really have chosen a brother who backstabbed you or a sister who hasn’t spoken to you in a decade? The reasons why your soul chose your specific family aren’t always clear, however if we take a deeper look at the dynamics of family karma, we can make the connections and figure out why your soul planned out things as it did. Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer Matthew John will clearly explain how the soul plans its incarnations and how family dynamics are planned.