Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Tony Sayers - Hybrid Implant Subordination 2



Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2pMpAPr Access a Personal Healing Session with Tony: http://bit.ly/tonyoffer We are taught from school that the physical realm is all there is, that we live in just a three dimensional World. Nothing could be further from the truth as humans are basically blind and can only see a tiny bandwidth of what we call visible light. The fact is we live in a multidimensional with a lot else going on around us in the same space, and the closest dimension obviously being 4d. Within this dimension, there are many distorted consciousnesses that like to feed on human negativity, fear, and low vibrational energy, see it as their food. This is the reason that there is so much fear and negativity in this World as this consciousness needs it to survive. Different forms and different levels of attachment can get in on people and drain their energy, loop negative or even suicidal thoughts, and basically cause disruption in our lives. Drugs, alcohol (they call them spirits for a re