Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Carmelle Riley - Embracing the Sacred in the Every Day



Learn more about this episode: http://bit.ly/2LtJGFt Get your own Crystal Astrology Wristlets and Hei Tiki Talismans in this Special Offer: http://bit.ly/2Ls4LAb All human life descended from 7 African women so we are all indigenous somewhere in our human experience. In the rush to clear trauma from our fields and move past the gifts our ancestors choose not to accept, we can miss the rich ancestoral store of indigenous gifts, knowledge, and treasures that are ours to claim to make this life more curious, creative and fun. Discover your ancient gifts from the Atua (nature, the cosmos, the elemental domains) and use these to bring the sacred into every moment. Embracing every moment as sacred will raise your vibrations to align with love, joy, beauty and consciousness