Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Aurora - The Flying Rainbow Lasagna



earn more about this episode http://bit.ly/2Zo1mfm Access Aurora's Comprehensive Online Class Special Offer: http://bit.ly/AuroraOffer Get Ready for this Quantum Conversation with Galactic Walk-In Aurora who is an abstract consciousness newcomer to the human form. She came into this physical body, and into this world, in 2001, via a hyper-dimensional portal shape she spontaneously created and named the Flying Rainbow Lasagne. The Flying Rainbow Lasagne (FRL) is a tool for transcending the limitations that were caused by the genetic disruptions in the human form thousands of years ago. Aging, decrepitude, and death, and disconnection from the divine are just some aspects of human DNA behavior that can change by using the FRL to restructure DNA. It is also possible to re-awaken the higher faculties of telepathy and seeing with inner vision, and to achieve levels of healing and athleticism that would be defined as “superhuman” or “impossible”. Learning to do the Flying Rainbow Lasagne (as both a physica