Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Matthew John - Healing The Shadow Within



Learn More about this episode http://bit.ly/QCMatthewJohn Access Matthew John's Special Offer Here: http://bit.ly/MatthewOffer Shadow Work is an unavoidable, inevitable, and crucial part of the Ascension journey. During Eclipse season, we have a potent portal in which the shadow is apt to come out to be seen. As conscious Lightworkers we have a precious opportunity now to alchemize this untransmuted cellular density. Join Spiritual Teacher, Starseed Guide, and Intuitive Healer Matthew John and host Lauren Galey for a deep dive into Shadow Work. Matthew will reveal: Where the Shadow aspect comes from The purpose of the Shadow What is ancestral karma and how we heal it Why everyone carries different karmic themes in their DNA The purpose of self-sabotage and how to eliminate it How we heal the Shadow aspects of industries, groups, collectives, and humanity And much more! Matthew will facilitate a powerful group clearing