Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Catherine Rosenbaum - Your Divine Blueprint



Learn More bit.ly/QCCatherine Access Catherine's Special Offer on Personal Sessions: bit.ly/CatherineSpecial WE ARE WRITTEN IN THE STARS: THE NEW BLUEPRINT HAS BEEN OPENED, THE NEW EARTH HAS BEEN ACTIVATED!!! CALLING ALL MASTERS OUT. PREPARING OURSELVES FOR THE SOULS JOURNEY HOME……THE PARADIGM SHIFT HAS OCCURRED. NOW WHAT? Awaken your souls’ sacred contracts through your UNIQUE DIVINE BLUEPRINTS. Using Evolutionary Astrology, Human Design, Gene Keys and messages from our higher Selves (we have many) are your personal road maps to Awakening your “Soul Destiny Codes/Sounds”. There are also the BIG collective patterns, written in the Stars to guide us , like markers in time. These are the times we have been waiting for. Everything has a holographic Blueprint; even the United States and her own collective awakening. Discover your Unique Divine Blueprints. Become in sync with the BIG PICTURE. The markers are set. In 1987, 2012, 2014 and now 2018, 2019, and the BIG MASSIVE EVENT in Jan. 2020! besides the NE