Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Jimmy Mack - Rapid Energetic Shift with this Healing Technique



Learn more about this episode on our website show page: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/jimmy-mack-creating-change-made-simple-with-my-liquid-fish/ Access Jimmy Mack's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/jimmy-mack-aligning-with-the-frequency-and-currency-of-money-and-universal-abundance/ After his near death experience (NDE) Jimmy Mack was shown and asked by Spirit to bring this divinely guided healing technique out into the world. This simple technique, called My Liquid Fish®, allows each of us to create fast and profound energetic changes in people, places, things, pets, and situations. After he was first gifted this technique, he kept it to himself and quietly tested it while working with hundreds of clients over the phone throughout an entire year before speaking about it. He was unsure of the magnitude of power which he’d been given until the increased results became undeniable and often miraculous. He believed then that there was a true purpose for having been give