Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Aileta Grace - Developing Divine Confidence



Learn more about this episode https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/aileta-grace-practicing-radical-joy-extreme-self-care-and-developing-the-divine-confidence-to-bring-it/ Access Special Offer from Aileta Grace: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/aleita-grace-personal-channeling-sessions/ What is Divine Confidence? It is when we radiate the inner peace that comes from knowing that all is well and indeed in divine order. After we have engaged in what seems like endless clearing for ourselves, others, and Gaia, have the building blocks of effective release led us to radiate the spiritual wisdom of our new era of consciousness still unfolding? Or, are we still struggling to find that point of certain knowing despite the journey of surrendering all that does not serve to the universal field of healing? Aileta Grace will be discussing this topic and delve into what our divine guides, wayshowers, angels and ascended masters have to say. She will be available to answer your questions and channel su