Quantum Conversations

Quantum Converastion with KA'ryna Sh'ha - Messages from the Ascended Heart



Learn more about this episode and ask your question on our website show page: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/karyna-shha-grandmother-speaksmessages-from-the-ascended-heart-of-the-universal-oversoul/ Access a Heart Harmonics Personal Session with KA'rynna: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/karyna-shha-heart-harmonics-attunement-session/ What is the “Mother” of all questions aching for answers in your heart? Listen and be still….be present with the radiant core of your essential nature as KA’ryna SH’ha shares the transformative presence of the Universal Oversoul, through Sacred Sound, Metamorphic Messages, and Harmonic Healing Transmissions. GrandMother Speaks… Now is the time to share the gifts of your inherent nature through the Grace of the Heart, by being the gift that radiates wordless and unspoken Presence. Gaze into the conditions caused by all manner of suffering and see the original cause…witness with eyes filled in the radiant openness of the Child of All Souls. Feel the pur