Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Lisa Transcendence - Multidimensionality



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/lisa-transcendence-brown-multi-dimensional-earth-now-re-associating-perceptions-is-imperative-keycode/ Access Lisa's Special Offer on Quantum Jumping and Alchemy: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/lisa-transcendence-brown-quantum-timeline-jumping-understanding-quantum-energetics-alchemy/ Everyone has access to our Multi-Dimensional Earth… which determines Old Earth or NEW Earth experiences here. Not all will Consciously CHOOSE to do this journey Consciously and fully, forgo a more intense awakening experience here. Shifting our PERCEPTIONS and VIEWS are KEY to shifting our ENTIRE REALITY with greater ease. Conscious Participation is done through our immense shifts in PERCEPTIONS and then how we OBSERVE/SEE EVERY THING changes according to this. WE cannot access the new, by still trying to apply the “old” parameters, rules, value systems. On a human level, NEW EARTH IS ALL NEW everything and it’s our own individual experie