Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Vandana Atara - Divine Doctoring



Learn more about this episode and Call in with your Question from on our webpage : https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/vandana-atara-aura-divine-doctoring-spirit-surgery-soul-recovery/ Special Offer from Vandana: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/vandana-atara-aura-divine-doctoring-spirit-surgery-soul-recovery/ In this quantum healing transmission, you have full permission to lean in & tap into cosmic christed healing from your magical multidimensional medical team. This is a unique opportunity to trust that you are never alone & that your soul assigned healing team is always on call to ease your mind & soothe your soul 24/7. As you let go of earth trauma, the divine doctors & spirit surgeons extract suppressed stress, remove core fear & re-set your nervous systems to align you with the divine & support your greatest growth. Bring your healing requests to your 5D soul appointed medicals who over-see & over-light you & your current 3D medical team.