Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Dorota Rozmus - Tuning into Vibrational Knowledge of Healing



Learn more about this episode https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/dorota-rozmus-divine-love-tune-into-vibrational-knowledge-of-healing/ Access Dorota's Special Offer of a personal session plus Audio Activations: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/dorota-rozmus-vibrational-alchemy/ Voice Activator Dorota works with Light and Love frequency, channeling energy vibration with her speaking and singing voice, helping you to clear and transform your emotions , stress , your distorted mind information, density of your past, family DNA and body pain. It is a vibrational work on many levels of your Being. She is bringing new awareness about vibrational frequency beyond what we call sound or singing. Her VoiceDorota Method combines Vibrational Alchemy through awareness of thinking , breathing , vibrational speaking with healing and activations of Galactic Love, Holding You within Divine Mother’s Love.