Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Jewels Arnes - High Frequency Skin Care



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/jewels-dela-teria-arnes-infynite-gold-youthen-aging-with-an-ascension-accelerating-skincare-system/ Access Jewel's information and Special Offer on Infynite Gold Ascension Package: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/ascension-gateway-package-with-jewels-dela-teria-arnes/ Eternal Life is our True Nature. A Soul’s evolution depends upon expansion. Ascension into The New Earth frequencies is Humanity’s Gateway to Soul expansion on Earth. Jewels created Infynite Gold, Organic Skincare products, as a delivery system for elements and frequencies specifically selected to bring about this expansion. Jewels developed the Ascension Gateway Products to hold the frequencies that support those on the journey of Creating the New Earth. Infynite Gold is not only a miraculously effective youthening skincare line, it also utilizes the potent Consciousness of ORMUS Elements and the dimensionally transcendent power of Scalar Energy. Synergisti