Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Xi Earthstar Healer - Living Multidimensionally



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/xi-earthstar-healer-advanced-psychic-lightwork/ Access Xi's Mastery Empowerment Course: 9 Classes: https://www.acoustichealth.com/mastery-empowerment/mec-xi-earthstar-healer/ The inspiration to Create a New Earth, a New Paradigm, a New Civilization based on Love, Authenticity and Wholeness percolates beyond our awareness, into our Body and our moment to moment creations of Reality. The rift between the “False Matrix” and the “Organic Matrix of Living Light” becomes more and more evident. The “mission” is simple, yet complex: Reconnect All Photons Back to Source, aka: re-align all fallen energy within the creation matrix back to the Frequency of Organic Matrix of Living Light.