Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Maria Bethencourt - What is a Spontaneous Awakening?



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/maria-bethencourt-what-is-a-spontaneous-spiritual-awakening-spiritual-qtips-and-tools-to-assist-in-extreme-awakenings/ Access Personal Sessions with Maria: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/personal-sessions-with-maria-bethencourt/ Spontaneous/Accelerated Spiritual Illumination Experiences are becoming the new normal as we begin this Great Global Awakening and Embodiment Phase. Extreme Awakenings shatter the reality of all involved in that person’s timeline, causing an extreme frequency shift and massive Spiritual Crisis for all involved. It leaves behind shattered relationships as the awakening individual embodies a completely different person,almost instantly, causing chaos and fear. Information is the way to alleviate this fear, for spiritual awakening is not a mental illness, but an extreme spiritual crisis with quantum tools available to support The Heart’s Awakening.