Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Audrey Light Language - Akash Light Languge



Learn more about this episode https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/audrey-light-language-akash-light-language-sacred-key-numerical-codes/ Access Audrey's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/the-invitation-with-audrey-light-language/ Audrey Light Language will be bringing through the Languages of Lght as well as the language of the Akash that rewrites it for you. She will also be speaking a number language sacred key code numerical language of creation Source. She channels through the Beings of Light, high dimensional beings that recall that they are part of the ALL that is many clients world wide can actually feel them in a session. Audrey is a Soul architect and energy engineer, and Elohim in embodiment brings through from creation what is needed for a client to help with their Evolutionary journeys. This helps one stand in the Divine birthright as a Spark of Divinity to be empowered. We will talk about nova consciousness and your part in it and your taking part in a great