Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Christel Hughes - Hook Removal



Learn more about this episode:https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/christel-hughes-unhooking-from-your-past-entering-the-1111-gateway/ Access Christel Hughes' Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/hook-removal-with-christel-hughes/ Discover that through ancient technology, the life-force in the body is awakened, the Intuitive gates unsealed and the sublime flow of the Infinite can be experienced through your own body and mind. This mystical science using Metatron’s Cube and the 11:11 Gateway has been around for thousands of years. Throughout history, it has been kept “hidden” as esoteric knowledge. In our current age, it is essential that these “hidden secrets” of the Holy grail within are demystified and made available to any person who wishes to experience Freedom, Radiance and Expansion into True Sacredness.