Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Guilherme Bastos - New Earth Codes and Source Light Activations



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/guilherme-bastos-new-earth-codes-unity-consciousness-source-light-activations/ Access Guilherme's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/light-activations-personal-session-with-guilherme-bastos/ We are now going through major up-liftment and Shift at all levels of Consciousness, remembering our Divine mission and purpose to fulfill here. It is now required for each one of us to open our Heart fully, realizing the Oneness and the Divine Love that we all are, embodying all our aspects and Divinity and stepping fully into Unity Consciousness – constantly giving birth to the new in our realities, all as One and a pure expression of Source. By releasing all the stories, separation and unconsciousness we once held inside while traversing the veils of amnesia and duality, we are now Awakening to a New Earth Existence based in all new values, foundations and a much Higher state of Consciousness. A place of Purity, Love