Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Nora Anderson - 12D Platform Of Crystal Light



Learn more about this episode:https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/nora-walksinspirit-12-12-gateway-of-12-strands-of-light/ Special Offer is Here: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/attuning-the-energetic-field-with-nora-anderson/ Since the 11-11-11 Gateway when all Columns and Spirals of LIGHT CODES entered into all hearts and minds for the Divine AWAKENING of Souls to Soul LIGHT Seeds connected unlimited vibrations for all Inner Minds to elevate out of structured waveforms into a Synchronized Vibration of ONENESS Consciousness. Many of you are tapping into these new Telepathic Frequencies to channel new passageways of your Mind into your own Heartbeat, now drumming you back Home to your own Dimension. This 12th month is one of Divine Amplifications of your LIGHT ESSENCES embracing you; through the 12 12 Gateway, Winter Solstice and Christ Consciousness Vibrations that will be circling from many Dimensions into your New Inner Minds, and Actively Awakened Souls. This teaching and Activation