Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Nalinee Diosara - Creator DNA Codes Activation



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays... Access Nalinee's Special Offer of a Light Language Session & Art: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specia... We have been flowing through powerful time. Our beings are shifting along with changes of energy waves and paradigms. Fears and old constructs are being released through our DNA, as well as our soul remembrance and tunes. What a wonderful moment for us to empower and return to our divine presence. Let us gather and unite in this space of oneness as one web of light which we are through our hearts. In this space, we anchor the template of Oneness into our awareness as well as open to receive transmission which activates the divine creator DNA codes within us. This will assist us in deeper healing and release of old template within, as well as aligning us into the state of I AM which we are. Joining us are the presence of our Oversouls, Lyran council, Elohim, Seraphims and more.