Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Christina Winslow - Higher Self Connection with Hypnosis



Learn more about this episode https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/christina-winslow-wellpoint-quantum-solfeggio-hypnosis-utilizing-soundsynctech/ For more information about Wellpoint Hypnosis Method Certification & Personal Sessions: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/wellpoint-hypnosis-method-with-christina-winslow/ Experience ~Spiritual Hypnosis ~Quantum Regressions~ Afterlife Experience utilizing SOUNDSYNCTECH™ Brainwave Technologies connecting you to the Quantum Field within! Spiritual Hypnosis is becoming a popular hot topic as many are curious about uncovering limiting beliefs from past lives, or calling in talents and gifts from future or past lives. This also also connection to the Quantum Mind, the Higher Self and the Unified Field, where all information can be accessed. Get the answers you are looking for from within….and get certified to share this technique with others . Wellpoint Spiritual Hypnosis™ is a normal state of consciousness in which the individual is in a “relaxed”