Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Adria WindHorse - Why Did Lemuria Fall?



Learn more about this episode:https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/adria-wind-horse-estribou-why-did-lemuria-fall/ Access Adria's Special Offer with the eBook & Personal Session: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/personal-archangel-conversation-and-ebook-with-adria-wind-horse-estribou/ Have you ever wished in your own life that you had the knowledge of what was to come before it happened? Lemurian knowledge is arising in human consciousness now to avoid history repeating itself. To listen to the guidance and wisdom of those who lost an entire civilization bears witness to saving ours. The loss of knowledge, the loss of light, is such a subtle thing. Please let us not be unguarded in a time of great ascension and light. Then we can ascend without a fall.