Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Xi Earthstar Healer



Learn More about this Episode and Access Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/xi-earthstar-healer-insights-from-a-millennial-star-child/ Get a Personal Session with Xi Earthstar Healer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/full-spectrum-source-field-session-with-xi-earthstar/ Xi Earthstar Healer joins us for another Quantum Converstaion to share on her adventures of 2018. She will share about grid-work and light-work journeys, and her perspective on the shift in Consciousness on Earth. In her healing work as an angelic millenial, she finds herself again and again working with older generation of indigos. It is an agreement we made as we planned our tier by tier starseed incarnation plan – the strong and wise chose to incarnate earlier in the game to set the groundwork and bust through the old foundations, so that younger starseeds can actually bring in the codes that we carry. In reverence, respect and honour, she gives back to those who came before her, to not only honour