Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Lisa Transcendence Brown - Conscious UpShifting



Learn more about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/lisa-transcendence-brown-conscious-up-shifting/ Access Lisa's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/lisa-transcendence-brown-quantum-timeline-jumping-understanding-quantum-alchemy/ The beauty of our Multi-Dimensional Existence and Earth is that we are no longer “bound” to the old unconscious realities anymore. Only if each still believes this…. the rest are/have moved on… to all new realities of NEW Earth. Now, this is not an easy feat at first, because it means becoming totally consciously aware of our selves. Observing our own ego/limits/conditioning/programs and choosing to open our hearts and minds to resolve/dissolve and shift all into a completely alternate/different reality…. one based on LOVE. How you hold the POWER of all through your own Purity Love Consciousness How Unity dissolves Separation How your Ego keeps you bound to Old Earth Realities and Experiences until “collapse” occurs How the “breaking