Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Virginia Rounds Griffith - Master Your Divine Energy Matrix



Learn more about this show: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/virginia-rounds-griffith-master-your-spiritual-hygiene/ Access a Personal Session and Energy MP3s in Virginia's Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/specialoffers/master-your-divine-energy-matrix/ e the best you for a life filled with joy, peace, love & harmony As we are bombarded with so much turmoil in these shifting and challenging times; the energies of that turmoil interpenetrates our life force ‘whether we are conscious of this or not’ and if we are not vigilant these discordant energies can cause blockages and disruption in our entire Divine Energy Matrix. This Divine Energy Matrix is the interpenetration of our Mind, Body & Spiritual energy bodies and because they are synergistically interwoven, our wellbeing or ill-boding can be the result. As humans we have a Divine Energy Matrix which connects us with our Supreme Source and also with our beloved Mother Earth. This matrix consists of and interpenetrates with our ene