Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Boris Aranovich - Monicor: Acupuncture without Needles



Learn More about these Quantum Health Tools & Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/boris-aranovich-the-magic-of-monicor/ It’s over 60 years since scientists from different countries began the first measurements of electromagnetic waves’ frequency spectra in bodily organs, body parts and in animals and micro organisms. But a systematic organization of these data became possible first when computers were getting larger memory capacities. And, now, it is possible to measure frequencies, perform effective health checks of the body, discover micro-organisms and perform relevant theraphies. A new system for health checks and treatments, ”Monicor”, presents completely new opportunities for human health. During a few minutes of scanning, you will see the complete functional status of the entire body and all its organs as well as the body’s stress levels.