Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Christina Winslow - Past Life Regression & Higher Self Connection



Learn more about Christina Winslow and Access her Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/christina-winslow-wellpoint-quantum-solfeggio-hypnosis/ Wellpoint Spiritual Hypnosis™ is a normal state of consciousness in which the individual is in a “relaxed” or altered brainwave state which focusses their attention and awareness on a specific directive they have chosen consciously; thereby activating the subconscious and superconscious mind. Wellpoint Spiritual Hypnosis Method™ assists you in solving the mystery of your life, connecting you to the desires and intentions of your Soul, and creating lasting change. Through a unique spiritual hypnosis technique combined with the specialized brainwave frequencies from SOUNDSYNCTECH™, Wellpoint Hypnosis sessions provide you a path to the subconscious & superconscious mind…breaking through blocks and barriers, unlocking your highest potential, and finding your purpose in life.