Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation wtih Kenji Kumara - New Earth Consciusness



Learn more about Kenji Kumara and Access his Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/kenji-kumara-reuniting-with-wholeness/ Wholeness, or the state of Union (within self), is our natural state of Being and expression. Joy and bliss are the natural outcome of this union within. Blessings and miracles are the effects of this state of connection. Whatever we join with, we become. Whatever we join with, becomes real. Dedicate all thoughts to union. What is real cannot be challenged or disrupted. Illusions have no effect upon what is real. We came into our earthly incarnation to learn this truth – that nothing can harm us or throw us off our path and life purpose. Every experience has led us to this very moment, on this show, in this space-time reality of unlimited potential and realization of our truth.