Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Amma Sophia Rose - Diamond Light Activation



Learn More about Amma Sophia Rose and Access her Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/amma-sophia-rose-diamond-light-code-activation-and-awakening-the-inner-artist-creator/ As we enter into the age of illumination we are requiring a fully activated being of the highest caliber connected to our own Diamond Consciousness. That which pierces the veils of illusions beyond the collective control paradigms. To see beyond the mass induced sleep walking states into union with source creator. Learning to use your voice to access the codes of light connected to your sovereign self. Amma Sophia speaks to the inner Divinity through the light language of Sophia Shekina Gaia embodying the wisdom of Earth Mother and Cosmic Mother creator as a womb oracle. This way of connecting o source is our Divine birth right. As we bridge this union between heaven and earth, we recognize we are the co-creators with source dreaming this reality in our waking and sleeping states. As we awaken the unconscious and the