Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Susan Shumsky - Ascension Masters



Learn more about Susan Shumsky and Access her Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/susan-shumsky-ascended-masters-walk-among-us/ Susan Shumsky, author of Ascension, shares an incredible discussion on the Ascended Masters…many walk among us and we don’t recognize them. Others have been living on the planet for several hundreds of years and others come and go between dimensions. LISTEN IN TO THIS QUANTUM CONVERSATION AND LEARN ABOUT: How to meet the ascended masters and angels of light. Stories about these immortal beings. What it means to experience ascension and walk beyond death. Stories about visitations from divine beings. People living today who might be ascended masters. Inspiring messages from the immortal masters and deities. Ascension – Connection with the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light You will never die. Beyond the mortal boundaries of your physical form, you are an immortal being, living forever in a beauteous, radiant body of luminous spheres in multiple dimensions. As