Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with SanRa - Anchoring the Next Golden Age on Earth



Learn More about SanRa and Access her Special Offer: https://www.acoustichealth.com/todays-show/sanra-anchoring-our-next-golden-age-on-earth/ As you may know, the new Golden Age upon earth is here. What is very exciting is that we are part of the process of co-creating it! It is not being anchored for us, but we are participants in the process. We are giving energetic input and offering our deepest heartfelt desires of how we wish to live together on our beloved earth. This does not come from our ego, but from our ever increasing heart energy, our growing splendorous light and our empowered sense of wisdom, harmony, beauty and wonder. We will work on a deep energetic level, bypassing the thinking mind and use beautiful, sacred sounds and channeled messages to further awaken our most profound knowing. In this way, we will anchor the golden energy that we hold within us into the earth and into collective humanity. As we receive energetic encodements from the Lemuria Priestess Circle of 13, we will awaken