Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Lisa Transcendence Brown - Pure Love Unity Consciousness



Learn More about this episode: https://www.acoustichealth.com/quantum-conversations/lisa-transcendence-brown-pure-unity-love-consciousness-quantum-multi-dimensional-cosmic-energy-updates/ We are in the most important and powerful vibrational, energetic “time” ever, where Pure Unity Love Consciousness REALities are achievable by each. The beauty of “REALity” is that all is exactly as we allow it and create it to be. Dictated by our DNA, we clear unconscious DNA programs while activating higher consciousness DNA that awakens all new realities for all. Opening Portals and traveling the Initiatory Passageways to walk through those Gateways is how we do all. Now everyone can CHOOSE what realities they DO desire to experience and actually HOLD the vibration, the vision, focus their own energy consciously through expanded consciousness in order for those realities to materialize faster and easier, due to the immensity of electromagnetics in our inner and outer atmospheres for the Unified Field to “return” a vibrati