Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Cynthia Charis - The Great Particle Convergence



Access Cynthia Charis' Special Offer: www.acoustichealth.com/cynthiaoffer3.htm The Great Particle Convergence Join Cynthia as she talks about the monumental times of 2017, the Year of the Big Reset. She describes how we are entering an extraordinary opportunity for personal and collective enlightenment as we approach The Great Particle Convergence that begins on the Solar Eclipse of August 21st, 2017 and culminate on December 21st, 2017. This is an epic occurrence for Earth and all of humanity as enlightened particles from the sun and the higher dimensions of Creation are converging to weave together a new timeline for the restoration of Earth and her people into their original blueprint of divine perfection. Throughout this event, the Sun will flood our light bodies and DNA to help awaken our original divine blueprint as the 5th Dimensional Beings we are meant to be. In the show, we will activate the Sun within our own Heart’s Chakra to open the pathways of Ascension within us and blaze forth as the Way