Quantum Conversations

Quantum Conversation with Micheila Sheldan - Dropping Anchors and Activating Your Inner Creator



Access Micheila Sheldan's Special Offer: http://www.acoustichealth.com/micheilaoffer2.htm Dropping the Anchors | Activating Your Inner Creator We have just experienced a major shift in our earth grid lines, opening up portals to allow us to integrate multi-dimensional timeline information. At the same time, we are purging karma and density and an incredibly fast pace. Our human ascension is evident in the recent spikes of the Schumann Resonance, showing us the movement forward we have been anticipating for a long time. We were in a very stagnant place as we integrated timeline energy to decide what was coming with us, and what was meant to leave behind. At the same time, we were recovering lost soul pieces that were necessary for us to operate in a new dimension. Now, as much has cleared away and deep realizations have come to the surface, we must prepare to move forward into the unknown. This is an interesting time in our human history as we have to let go of more than just the timelines we created, but the