@ Sea With Justin Mcroberts

The Power of Celebrity



The way I hear it used, the word “celebrity” almost always comes with a tinge of disdain. In fact, I was recently interviewing a band about their relatively wild public success and used the word “celebrity” to ask a question about how it felt to have the kind of influence they’d garnered. Boy oh boy did they distance themselves from that word. They wanted nothing to do with it. Not one bit. The next few minutes featured phrases like “We’re not celebrities.”and  “I really don’t think that word describes what we do.”Or just flat out “I don’t like that word.”  The lead singer of the band then went on to be very clear that there were just “normal people” with normal lives who make music; That the celebrity aspect of things caused a gap between them and their audience they didn’t want. “We go through all the same things y’all go through.” I do understand that. I also resonate with it. At the same time (and you can feel this part coming), I struggle with making simple what I think is a slightly more nuanced reality