Gypsy After Hours With Danielle Mercurio

Giving it to you straight about Lion's Gate 8/8



What's the deal with Lion's Gate? Super simply put - The Lion’s Gate is the cosmic moment in the year when a whole bunch of new resources and energy start flowing to us, and if we open ourselves up to receive it - and activate it - we are able to reassess our value and be carried on an elevated wave of richness, bravery, and some groovy creative avenues. YES PLEASE. Lion's Gate is a portal that we began to work with upon entering into the Age of Aquarius officially in 2012. By working with the Sun star Sirius and Leo Season (which opposes Aquarius), it provides certain coding that is helpful in the ways you can rise up from the old ways of doing things and help yourself -and the world- transition into the New Earth. This year, it falls under a New Moon in Leo (talk about sacred wild alignment) - urging you to rise on up. And while abundance isn't always a flip of a switch - we must acknowledge the systems, conditioning and limitations that trapped us from believing we could be free and taken care of.... this