Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Mark Bajerski – My Bizarre Encounter with Someone From Another World? The Who, What & WHY of it All



"This is one of the most profound things that ever happened to me!" - Mark Bajerski During my recent chat with spiritual teacher and energy healer Mark Bajerski, we'd been trudging down the rabbit hole pretty deep I thought, until he went even deeper by sharing a story about a bizarre incident that happened to him roughly 12 years ago.  As he shared the encounter with me, I could feel his sense of bemusement, as if he were re-living the experience. After receiving a call from a man requesting an energy healing session at 8am, and agreeing to do it at that time, despite his strict policy that he would not take any clients until getting both his physical and emotional space ready typically not taking appointments until 10, after hanging up, Mark wondered, "why did I say yes?" For some reason, he said he'd do it but didn't know what prompted him to consent. Here's what happened next... In this village [where the space is located] nobody gets up 'til 9am. It's very lazy. ...I'm on the street, opening my shop an