Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Sell Yourself to Yourself Commercials Part 2 - Constructing Your Own Commercial! - #132



Today we are talking about building your own sell yourself to yourself commercial! Listening to or reading this every day can be extremely powerful with solidfying your identity of how you would like to see yourself, improve your focus, etc. They have truly been SO helpful for me.Here's the three things to keep in mind when you're writing yours:1. Purpose: – Ask yourself: Who am I and what do I want to focus on during this time I listen to this commercial – This will help you change how you see yourself. Right now I have been reminding myself in mine that I am a strong, kind person and that I am NOT a puppet. This is a good reminder for me that I need to go after my dreams and not expect things to just fall into place without some effort on my part.2. Wording: Remember - This is written specifically for you and that is SO powerful. What do you want to keep in mind? This can be a powerful training mechanism. I would recommend including warnings, ideas, and reminders that you think would be helpful fo