Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

July Review - Lessons, Wins, and Plans For August - Bros. Talk 2 - #126



Just like last month, my brother James and I decided to do a podcast episode just about how we were doing and things we got out of the month. You guys seemed to like it, so we are doing it again!We broke our conversation down into wins, lessons learned, and plans for next month.If you do not like this we don't need to do it again. Feel free to let us now what you think through Instagram @YieldTodayWithDallinPodcastFollow-Up:Dallin - I was able to finish the semester strong, but unfortunately I did not put much work into the podcast calendar. My systems for life have proved, but nothing super specific.James - He was able to get his animation/world building/other nerdy stuff podcast started up (although it has not quite launched yet). Other than that he was focused on finishing up the semester strong like I was.Dallin's July Wins:I was able to get out of my apartment earlier than I was planning on, which effectively made it so my semester ended earlier and with less stress. It took a lot of work, but