Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Turning Your Intentions Into Reality (4 Simple Steps) - #65



Way too often we just settle with having these amazing feelings or thoughts to create 1. Initial Excitement - You have a great idea and feeling to do something, but that's about it. Maybe you just watched an inspirational video or something of that nature. It sounds great. You feel what it is like to have that, and it feels great. Lately I've realized that I mistake these feelings for the real thing.Then I fall short.Catch it early.2. Capturing it on Paper- Write it down in journal or share it with someone else3. Following Up - Talk with accountability partner or look back at journalYou have sold yourself on that idea.Maybe you've done door to door sales before. You can be very excited about the product but that alone it's going to get the customer to take action. Having a plan and helping them take action and follow through will go a long way. Sometimes you do need to keep following up, try new things, and rinse and repeat. It sounds boring but I've learned tons from just following u