Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Strategy, Pure Deduction, and Teamwork - Life Lessons Learned From Playing Games - #64



There's no doubt about it, without video games I would be a much different person.1. Strategy - Settlers of Catan2. Pure Deduction - Clue3. Teamwork - PokemonRelated Episodes:#131 - "5 Quick Life Lessons From Video Games"https://www.buzzsprout.com/543310/episodes/9041299Video games have been the perfect medium for me to get some private wins of learning for myself and trying out things and preparing me for what I would do later on.I have seen how they can be used as a way to reach others, and help you see life and others differently.I realize that this episode may feel a bit different from others I have done, but I had fun with it and hope that it is enjoyed.As always thank you so much for watching it.