Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Getting More Smiles Out of Your Life! - #57



This episode goes along well with the “Cracking Yourself Up” episode… so check that one out too. Note: This is a reupload as with the first upload there was an necessary silence at the beginning that I thought should be deleted. My apologies for that.1.      Live in the Present moment – Take advantage of the opportunities of today. Having things that you care about. Enjoy the season you are inConnect them to previous memories.Things are going to changeIt puts things into perspective. “Giving Immediate Value episode” 2.      Be Thoughtful Thinking of other people Hang out with people who have the key to your laugh box.I felt the acceptance, love, and smiles I gave him.Use the compliments so they aren’t a waste. Thinking of yourself “When I’m thinking of other people, somehow, someway I always get more smile.” Progressive, thinking forward3.      Planning Ahead and Embracing AmbiguityI’m recording this episode on Tuesday Things can change at any moment Appreciating the things that you can control and not gettin