Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Mindsets That Have Changed My Life - #30



Ep#30 – Three Mindsets That Have Changed My Life  1. Make a Giant Difference For People I was actually 12. I remember that because it was my first year of scout camp, and I did the whole week with a cast on my right arm! The metacarpal bone that I fractured was right over my palm and it affected my whole hand (and arm)Empathic design is huge Knew what they could provideListened Spoke I want to provide content that makes a difference for people “People may not remember what you said, or what you did, but they will remember how you made them feel.” “I want to do everything that I possibly can to make someone’s life better.” You can help someone just by being around them. People can get a vibe just from talking to you. Starting a friendship with the person knowing that you truly care about them is such a good way to start one out. Sometimes people are already doing everything that they can possibly do and so being able to help them out in a small way is hugely satisfying and it truly helps them out. Really small