Connect With Rodney Cundiff

MOVE THAT MOUNTAIN - pt6 - Got Faith?



In “Got Faith”, Rodney shares that there is a lesson to be learned from the story of the persistent widow and unjust judge, told by Jesus. An important factor to receiving a miracle is to have a spirit that always prays and never gives up. A spirit of perseverance and tenacity in our prayer life is required if we want to experience a breakthrough. God, the righteous judge, who is Lord of all, is just and he will do right by you, and his chosen people. When God finally decides to act on your behalf and perform a miracle his action is swift, deliberate, and intentional. Nothing can stop his word and will from accomplishing what it is sent to do. So, got faith? Get ready to see your miracle. God is looking to strengthen the hearts of his chosen people, who have faith in him. Will the Lord find you with faith? Got faith?