Kate Hastings Show

Why affirmations & positive self-talk are not always effective



Affirmations are useful but not always effective. Positive affirmations could even do more harm than good. I’ll explain my point of view.    People have a hard time believing things that they know aren't true. Bold statements will almost certainly be met with resistance, and they may even backfire, resulting in a stronger defense of one's original viewpoint.   Positive affirmations do not work because they are directed at the conscious level of your mind rather than the unconscious level of your mind...    The unconscious mind is the archive for all of our memories and past experiences. And everything we are aware of at any given moment is in our conscious mind.   Every time you tell yourself something that sounds positive, your unconscious will repeat to you, "That's not true, that's not true!"  This creates mental and physical tension…It's similar to when someone compliments you, you cringe, too.    So instead give this a try!    “What if?” question generates no previous precedent, paradigm, or example, and